Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

O7W, Workouts for supporting OCD

OCD or Obsessive Corbuzier's Diet, is now increasingly recognized as a method of forming the body and the ideal body weight. This method aim to reach ideal body weight and not to build up body like a bodybuilders. so, its different with body building workouts. 
Result of OCD diet method will be maximal if the offender Diet OCD also practice O7W workouts. O7W is lightweight sports movement to shape the muscle, which is only performed for seven minutes.
Besides the recommendation to not eat and breakfast, a short exercise conducted on the rice aims to establish six pack abs. O7W Sports Movement consists of 12 movements, each movement, is carried out for 30 seconds. The Movement O7W for women and men alike.

The explanation of each movement O7W are as follows:

Jumping jack, is the jumping motion with initial position legs together, then widened as the first jump and move up again when the next leap. And when legs extended, palms pat on the head and legs while docked, hands down to her waist.
Wall sit, is O7W movements performed by leaning on the wall, created a sitting position like when you sit in a chair. Hold the weight using your back to the wall.
3. Push up, starting from the tummy, arms thrust to lift the upper body with the legs as the pedestal on the bottom.
Abdominal crunch movement, starting with the position of the movement lay like sit ups. Lift the knees close to the head, but do not have to lift everything. Most importantly make sure your abdominal muscles really tightened as you lift your head and shoulders close to the knee.
Step-up, is the fifth O7W movement to maximize the results right diet method OCD can be done with the help of seats (the higher the dining chairs that you use will be more challenging). The movement is up the chair with one leg, respectively. And when it seats just above the drop back to the direction of the body remains the same.
6. Dip triceps, a movement that also sports O7W use aid as a pedestal seat. While standing, position the seat at the back. Hold the chair with both hands to lean on. By Slowly, lower the body until the arms bent position, then push your body to the top again.
7. Squat, is a movement that started from a standing position, then squat down and stand up again. This movement can be varied with hand gestures.
8. Plank, is a movement that begins by aligning the body face down, with the upper body being held by the elbow. Hold this position for 30 seconds remained stable.
9. High knee running in place, a movement running in place, with a variety of high raised knee until the thigh form a 90 degree angle.
10. Lunge, a movement that began O7W exercise from a standing position, step forward with your legs as far as possible toward the front, then bend your front knee is located. Return to starting position, and repeat with the other leg.
11. Push up and rotation, is a movement that begins with a push-up position. The next lift one arm up after pushing the body from the tummy to the tilted position.
12. Side plank, is a movement similar to the movement of plank, but only resting on one hand and the position of the body tilted to one side like Push up movement and rotation .
Movement O7W for man_457_430 In addition to short O7W Sports Movement, breathing exercises, lifting weights and hitting the gym could also be done every day in order to maximize the results of a Healthy Diet OCD, or it could be done alternately from each of these exercises. As for the Deddy Corbuzier, sports schedule for the week: chest and triceps workout, O7W, back and biceps, O7W, shoulders and triceps, O7W, and the last movement to train legs. 

Translated source: http://tips-sehat-keluarga-bunda.blogspot.com/2013/09/hasil-diet-ocd-akan-maksimal-dengan-o7w.html

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